Friday, April 26, 2013

Why is Travis Saurer so fast?

For years now, Travis Saurer's #21X WISSOTA Modified and Midwest Modified having been dominating the dirt tracks around Minnesota, North Dakota, and where ever else his hauler lands him. He is the Jimmy Johnson of WISSOTA. Between the two cars, he won 6 track championships in 2012. Whenever I ask his fellow competitors what their goals are for the next season, the answer is always "Beat Travis Saurer."

But how?

In order to beat Travis, one must first figure what makes him so fast. Sure, you might get lucky and beat him one night, but 2 or 3 nights in a row? That's tough. Travis is as smooth and consistent as they come. And he's not dirty so it's hard to justify taking him out or driving him dirty.

Is he cheating?

It's highly unlikely. Let's be honest, if he was he would have been caught by now. When you win that many races and championships, people are watching.  Unless maybe, just maybe he works for the FBI and has some sort of secret go-go juice that he puts in his race gas that is undetectable by modern technology.

Something in the water?

More likely its something in the Mello Yello. It's been well documented that Travis is a big fan of Mello Yello for years. Actually it's been rumored he doesn't drink water, or milk, or anything else but Mello Yello. He literally has that delicious citrus soda flowing through his veins. This constant sugar high gives him a competitive advantage and is completely legal.

Mr. Roboto

If you've ever watched him race, you would know his driving is smoother than John Stamos at a singles bar. How could one be so consistent and mistake free lap after lap after lap? Well, maybe he's not human. He could be a special robot created by WISSOTA to keep competition at a high level, which makes other drivers spend more money on new, better race parts, which then in turn results in more money for WISSOTA's corporate sponsors. Actually, the money Saurer makes from winning races is used to fund the WISSOTA 100 race in the fall.

Stickers add Horsepower.

This is the oldest trick in the book. Everybody knows that each sticker adds about 3HP...and Travis has alot of stickers! Not to mention his stickers are usually bright, shiny colors. This adds even more power yet. Plus he has an "X" in his number. I'm gonna assume that X is short for extreme. Once again that makes him even faster yet. Travis Saurer has the PERFECT combination of stickers, color scheme, and number, and that very well could be why he's so fast.

Now I realize these ideas might seem a bit of a stretch, but nobody really knows for sure, except Travis Saurer. And he probably won't tell anyone, because like I mentioned, he's a robot, and he's programmed not to tell anyone. True Story.

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