Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Welcome to my racing blog!

Well I thought about this for a solid 6 minutes before I decided to go ahead with the publishing of my own blog. This blog will be used mostly for happenings in the racing world, specifically things that have to do with Norman County Raceway, as I'm there every week broadcasting their races on the radio. I will also use it to post interviews with drivers, post-race comments, opinions, and any other inside "dirt" that I happen to come across. The opinions are my own and do not reflect the radio station I work for.

There. All the boring stuff is out of the way. I'm excited to announce the return of "Racing on the Radio Review" Saturday mornings at 8:45am on 106.5 KRJB (krjbradio.com), Gold 101.5 KRJM (krjmradio.com) and our new sister station in Fosston, 96.7 KKCQ (kkcqradio.com). I'll have to double check, but I believe the first air date for this season is April 6th. I'm currently looking for interviews from drivers or people involved in the racing scene. Hit me up if you're interested.

Also if you haven't figured it out yet, we will once again be broadcasting the weekly racing live on Thursday nights from Norman County Raceway in Ada. Race broadcasts start at about 6:50pm with prerace coverage and can be heard on the airwaves of 106.5 KRJB and online at krjbradio.com. Along with the play-by-play of the race, we'll have driver interviews, post-race interviews from victory lane, and other misc. racing news. I also hope to bring back Mike Spieker again for the intermission report. And who knows, maybe Corey Litton will stumble his way from the beer garden and join me sometime. Which reminds me, my favorite part about broadcasting the races is my one free beer after the race. Mmmmmm.....beeeeeer.

Announcing....that I'm going to be doing some more announcing this year too. Most likely for the 6 pack 1000 enduro series and other random BAJA and possibly other Demo Derby stuff. I was asked to announce the Mudslingers ATV Mud Runs again as well, but it all depends on scheduling if I can or not. They're a lot of fun to announce and a great organization, but it takes alot to announce for 4 straight hours in the hot sun and then have to turn around and announce the BAJA race right afterwards.

That's all I got for now. Future blogs I will have my 2013 NCR predictions, changes coming to the track, and whatever I can preview for the upcoming racing season.

Mr. Bigshot Bryce Borgen approves of this Blog

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