Wednesday, May 29, 2013

5-29-13 News, Notes, Announcements!

So there's a lot going on right now so I'll sum it all one big ass blog. First on the agenda.....

Season Opener notes
It was a long one, but a good one. Great racing in most of the classes, especially the street stocks. However a long delay made for an irritable crowd for a while. I was running out of things to talk about as the officials were puzzled trying to figure out the line ups for the Modified B-Mains. It all stemmed because one car raced in the wrong heat and threw everything out of whack. It was the 1st race of the year, so I'll chalk it up to the fact that shit happens.

Other misc. notes from opening night and beyond...
-Tyler Peterson has a fast car. He's ran into some tough luck, and he is young yet, but he's going to give Travis Saurer a run for his money.
-Dustin Strand literally drove himself off the track last week. Worse yet is he had made his way to a top 6 transfer spot from the back of a B-main. So instead of easing up and being grateful for making a transfer spot, he continued, for lack of a better term, to drive the piss out of his race car. It's a bummer he ended his night on the backside of 3 and 4 versus being a serious contender for the A-main.
-I ate my Nachos at a record setting pace. I wasn't even in a hurry. I just love Nachos. I'm also a big fan of licking the leftover cheese after the chips are all gone, but you really didn't need to know that.
-Cody Erickson has a new nickname..."the High Side Hustler." He also promised to win on my birthday...which is June 20th.
-Tim Shiek took a tumble at BRRP this last weekend in his 31x Pure Stock...and it was captured with an onboard it here
-Tomorrow night's Racing on the Radio coverage might be delayed because of a softball/baseball game. So if we're late getting on air that's why.

and I promised a big here it is
Racing on the Radio is coming to the newspaper! The Norman County Index to be more specific. Look for a racing column from me most every week starting this coming Tuesday, June 4th. I'll be writing some driver profiles and special interest type stories.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Let's Go Racing!

We're all ready. We're all hungry for the sights, the smells, the sounds, and even the tastes. It's time. Let's go racing.

Thursday nights marks the much anticipated opener for what could be one of the best seasons in history for the small town, feel good, and somewhat historic Norman County Raceway. 4 Late Model shows, the return of the NOSA Sprints, and talented drivers that stretch across the entire field of cars. The "big boys" and their double decker haulers in search of a National Championship, the grass roots racers who are one wreck away from bankruptcy, and the farmers who park the tractors at 6pm and haul ass to the track to make draw. They will return with fresh cars, hearty new engines, a brand new set up, new tin and graphics. They return with nerves and the excitement of those first few laps before it all settles in drive like veterans once again.

For some drivers, its their first laps ever. Suddenly all those nights drifting around corners on back country roads mean nothing. Because now, when that green flag drops, you're actually racing for something. The thrill, a paycheck, a title, a trophy, the fame....whatever reason brought you to the track, it's now on the line.

Everything that happened last year is history. The failures, the wrecks, the wins, and the feuds are a thing of the past. It's a new season. Time to write your own history. Some will be disappointed, some will be content, but only one driver will win.

At 7pm the field of cars will come out of turns 3 and 4, put their foot to the floor, and for the first time this year...we will be racing!

See ya at the track!


The races will be once again be broadcast all season long on 106.5 KRJB and Prerace will start at about 6:50pm. Green flag drops at 7pm.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

NCR Test & Tune Scheduled for today!

Drivers! Time to dust off the fire suits, spend half your life savings on a barrel of VP, and put the finishing touches on the race cars! Norman County Raceway will be hosting a test and tune today from 5:30pm until 9:30. All classes of cars are welcome. 

For me, I love the test and tune. It's a good opportunity to see the new race cars, interview some drivers, and just get the first taste and smell of racing into my bloodstream. As a race fan, there is no greater feeling than catching that first whiff of high octane, $9 a gallon, race fuel for the first time each season. It's the same feeling one might get walking into to the Metrodome and instantly smelling the roasted almonds. I take that back, if it's the Fargodome you smell roasted almonds, at the Metrodome all you smell is urine. Regardless, it's good to be back. 

For drivers, I would imagine the test and tune can be a little nerve racking at times. There's always a bunch of rookie drivers who, for the first time ever, are getting behind the wheel of a race car. We all know one of them is gonna spin out at last 4 times in the opening session. And that's understandable. If you've never raced it's hard to know what your car is really capable of doing until you've done it. And there's always one or two car cars that seem to have to have a wreck or engine failure. For that to happen at a test and tune is sort of bittersweet. It's both frustrating and embarrassing to have to rebuild a car before you've even broke it in. But the way I look at it, it's better to have that happen now, rather than 2 laps into your 1st heat. 

We will be broadcasting the races every Thursday this year, so this also gives me a chance to test out my own gear, as well as make sure all the PA and wireless equipment are in good working form. As mentioned I will also be looking for drivers who would like to do interviews. Get used to it, because you'll probably see me in the pits before the race walking around with my recorder like I did last year. Drivers, do not be afraid to do an interview. I don't ask any brain busters. Its really a great opportunity to promote your team and your sponsors. I look forward to meeting some new drivers and reconnecting with the ones I frequently visit with week in and week out. 

First race is scheduled for next Thursday, May 16th. Modifieds, B-mods, Mod 4's, Street Stocks. and trophy cars will all be racing. 

Photo of the Day: A sneak peak at Tyler Hall's #60 Midwest Modified. Yes, it's another pink B-mod. I'm officially dubbing this one the "pink panther."